Thesis award
FiSTB awards a best Thesis on Software Testing with 500€ at FiSTB Testing Assembly. Criteria for the thesis to be accepted as candidate is:
- Thesis that promotes testing, testers and testing as a profession in an exemplary way.
- Any approved thesis starting from lower university degree upwards in Finland (AMK, candidate/bachelor)
- Thesis is approved during 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2025
Register your thesis by 31.8.2025 by email: info (at) Include following information:
- School
- Name of thesis
- Abstract
- Link to thesis, e.g. Theseus
- Author(s)
- 2016: Elli Heikkinen, Tampere University of Technology: Testing metrics in a software development company
- 2017: Noora Vainio, Tampere University of Technology: Testauspolitiikan kehittäminen alihankintaprojekteihin
- 2018: Emmi Elo, Turku University of Applied Sciences: Review and implementation of safety requirements for gas monitoring equipment
- 2019: Tomi Ratilainen, Aalto University: Guidelines for creating a testing process for a software – case study of comparing testing of two different size of slot game projects
- 2020: Virve Liimatta, Laurea: Testausprosessin kehittäminen: Xray-laajennuksen käyttö testauksen raportoinnissa
- 2021: Tiina Matala, Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu: Observation on Built-in Quality
- 2022: Tuulia Park, Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulu: Terveyskylän Naistalon mobiilikäytettävyystestaus ja käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointi
- 2023: Jenny Holmberg, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu: Automaatiotestaus: case ServiceNow Automated Test Framework (ATF)